With spark 2.0.x,we can use DataFrameReader and DataFrameWriter. Use SparkSession.read to access DataFrameReader and use Dataset.write to access DataFrameWriter.
Suppose using spark-shell.
read example
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val prop=new java.util.Properties() prop.put("user","username") prop.put("password","yourpassword") val url="jdbc:mysql://host:3306/db_name"
val df=spark.read.jdbc(url,"table_name",prop) df.show()
If you want to read data from a query result rather than a table.
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val sql="""select * from db.your_table where id>1""" val jdbcDF = spark.read .format("jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:mysql:dbserver") .option("dbtable", s"( $sql ) t") .option("user", "username") .option("password", "password") .load()
write example
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import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
val prop=new java.util.Properties() prop.put("user","username") prop.put("password","yourpassword") val url="jdbc:mysql://host:3306/db_name" //df is a dataframe contains the data which you want to write. df.write.mode(SaveMode.Append).jdbc(url,"table_name",prop)